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Microsoft Power Pages (Power Apps Portals) Partner in Dubai, UAE

​Microsoft Power Pages, earlier known as Power Apps Portals, are essentially websites that integrate with your Microsoft Dynamics 365 solution and can be fully customised in order to deliver a personalised experience to a wide range of different audiences including external users.

Whether you’re a low-code maker or professional developer, this low-code, scalable, and secure solution empowers you to build business-centric websites quickly and easily.

Types of Websites that can be built using Power Pages

People often think of low-code web development as being useful for basic projects like a site to showcase a company profile or to use as an e-commerce platform for other content.

But with Power Pages, you can do that and so much more, like supporting enterprise-wide, professional solutions at scale. This includes:

  • Partner Relationship Management Portal : Streamline business processes with partners, such as supplier onboarding, sustainability tracking, inquiry management, and vendor support.
  • FAQ Sites : Provide answers to common questions about products, services, special events, policies, and procedures.
  • Customer Self Service Portal : Provide all-day customer self-services, such as warranty registration, returns, support inquiries, appointments, and bookings.
  • Community Portal : Reach and serve millions of citizens at scale, providing community services such as self-service permitting, licensing, incident and outage reporting, and applying for grants.

Benefits of Microsoft Power Pages

As a new, standalone product, Power Pages empowers anyone, regardless of their technical background, with an effective platform to create data-powered, modern, and secure websites.

In addition to being low-code, Power Pages extends far beyond portals former capabilities to enable organizations of any size to securely build websites with exciting new aesthetic features and advanced capabilities for customization with pro-developer extensibility.

As a part of the world’s most comprehensive low-code development platform, anyone can now streamline business processes and easily automate workflows—resulting in a unified and convenient end-to-end business solution for your organization. Microsoft Power Platform is truly better together.

Looking for an Experienced & Reliable Microsoft Power Pages Implementation & Support Partner in Dubai, UAE?

No matter the complexity of your business problem, our Power Pages experts in Dubai, UAE offer comprehensive support while ensuring highest quality standards as a part of our delivery approach.

Get Your Free Strategic Power Pages Consultation Session

Burhani’s Microsoft Power Platform team is ready to help you meet your data analytics needs by sharing and implementing Power Pages best practices.

Hurry! Book your Free, No-Obligation 30 minute Microsoft Power Pages strategy consultation today!

Rapidly Launch Secure Websites

with Microsoft Power Pages

Do more with less by enabling all your teams, not just developers, to create professional websites with confidence – so you get to market faster at lower cost.
Rapid Development Timelines
Engage External Users
Secure Engagement
On-Brand Interactive Websites
Connect Your Data
Easy to Manage
Book Your Free, No-Obligation 30 Minute Power Platform Strategy Session

Get upto 30% Off Power Pages Licensing. Contact us to find out if you qualify.

Microsoft Power Platform Services Partner in Dubai & Abu Dhabi, UAE - Burhani

Build Low-Code Websites to Rapidly Engage Customers & Partners

Power Pages enables businesses to create low-code, responsive, personalised websites that allow users (both internal and external) to interact with selective Dynamics 365 data and capabilities

Use Power Pages to create external-facing websites that allow users outside their organizations to sign in with a wide variety of identities, create and view data in Dataverse, or even browse content anonymously.

This video highlights new capabilities included in the latest update to Microsoft Power Pages

Answers to frequently asked questions about Microsoft Power Pages Licensing

What is Power Pages?

Microsoft Power Pages is a secure, enterprise-grade, low-code software as a service (SaaS) platform for creating, hosting, and administering modern external-facing business websites. Whether you’re a low-code maker or a professional developer, Power Pages enables you to rapidly design, configure, and publish websites that seamlessly work across web browsers and devices.

Is Power Pages a part of Power Platform?

Power Pages is the newest member of the Microsoft Power Platform family. With Power Pages, you can build sites by using the same shared business data stored in Microsoft Dataverse that you use for building apps, workflows, intelligent virtual agents, reports, and analytics with other Microsoft Power Platform components in your organization.

How is Power Pages licensed?

Power Pages licensing is capacity based and offers two types of capacities based on user type: authenticated users per website per month and anonymous users per website per month.

  1. Authenticated Users
    1. The authenticated user capacity subscription license can be purchased for the anticipated number of unique, authenticated users. For example, employees (internal) or non-employees (external) accessing a website during a month. 
    2. The authenticated user pay-as-you-go meter enables customers to pay-as-you-go based on the actual number of authenticated users who have accessed a website in a month.

    Meter Definition: Power Pages authenticated user pay-as-you-go meter – A measure of the number of unique authenticated users per website per month.

  2. Anonymous Users
    1. The anonymous user monthly capacity subscription license can be purchased for the anticipated number of unique, anonymous users accessing a website in a month.
    2. The anonymous user pay-as-you-go meter enables customers to pay-as-you-go based on the actual number of anonymous users who have accessed a website in a month.

    Meter Definition: Power Pages Anonymous per user/website pay-as-you-go meter – A measure of the number of unique anonymous users per website per month.

What is an anonymous user and how are anonymous users/website/month calculated?

Anonymous users are users who browse a website and don’t log in.

Anonymous users/website/month are calculated as unique users who access one or more anonymous pages of the website in a calendar month duration. Uniqueness is determined through a unique anonymous user ID stored in a browser cookie. If the user accesses the site using different browsers or devices or cleans up browser cookies, then a new anonymous user ID is generated and user would be counted as a different user.

If a user accesses a site anonymously and then logs in to the site in the same session, will the user be counted as both an anonymous and an authenticated user?

If a user accesses a site in both an anonymous and an authenticated manner in the same session or even within same day (24 hours using UTC time zone), the user will only be counted as an authenticated user and not as anonymous user.

How much does Power Pages licenses cost?

The Power Pages authenticated per user and Power Pages anonymous per user offers serve both small and large customer scenarios with a low barrier to entry, and easily scale for high-volume growth. Subscription and pay-as-you-go pricing are detailed below.

Microsoft Power Pages Licence prices in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, AE

Does Power Pages licenses include Dataverse storage?

Yes, Dataverse database and Dataverse file capacity is included with the authenticated per user/website and the anonymous per user/website licenses. Allocated capacities differ between subscription plans and pay-as-you-go plans as detailed below.

Power Pages Dataverse Plans

What are the Power Pages use rights included with Power Apps and Dynamics 365 enterprise licenses?

Authenticated users licensed with Power Apps or Dynamics 365 enterprise licenses, are granted use rights for Power Pages as described below.

  1. Power Apps per app licensed users – One Power Pages website.
  2. Power Apps per user licensed users – Unlimited Power Pages websites
  3. Dynamics 365 enterprise licensed users – Unlimited Power Pages websites. These websites must map to the licensed Dynamics 365 application context and map to the same environment as the licensed Dynamics 365 application.

If I'm building a Power Pages website for my employees who will log in using their Azure AD credentials. What Power Pages licenses do I need?

Internal authenticated users of a Power Pages website can use one of the following type of licenses:

  1. Subscription based
    1. Power Apps per app – Users can access one Power Pages website that should be part of environment to which Power Apps per app capacity licenses are assigned.
    2. Power Apps per user licensed users – Users who have been assigned Power Apps per user licenses can use unlimited Power Pages websites.
    3. Dynamics 365 enterprise licensed users – Users who have been assigned Dynamics 365 enterprise licenses can use unlimited Power Pages websites. These websites must map to the licensed Dynamics 365 application context and map to the same environment as the licensed Dynamics 365 application.
    4. Power Pages authenticated user/website subscription – Users can access one Power Pages website to which Power Pages authenticated per user/website capacity is assigned. If a user accessing the website has a Power Apps per user or a Dynamics 365 enterprise license assigned, then that user won’t be counted in Power Pages authenticated user/website capacity.
  2. Pay-as-you-go based
    1. Power Pages authenticated user pay-as-you-go meter – Users can access Power Pages website that are present in environments enabled for pay-as-you-go licensing.
      If a user accessing the website has a Power Apps per user or a Dynamics 365 enterprise license assigned, then that user won’t be counted in Power Pages authenticated user pay-as-you-go meter.

Do I require additional licensing for Power Pages content delivery network (CDN) and web application firewall (WAF) capabilities?

No. Both CDN and WAF capabilities are included as part of Power Pages licensing and don’t require any additional licenses to be purchased.

Can I mix Power Pages subscription licenses and pay-as-you-go meters in same environment?

Power Pages subscription licenses can’t be used in a pay-as-you-go environment.

What does Power Pages Do?

Power Pages provides you with rich, customizable templates, a fluid visual experience through a reimagined design studio, and a new, integrated learning hub to quickly build sites that suit your unique business needs.

How does Power Pages fit into the Power Platform Ecosystem?

Various components of Microsoft Power Platform.

What is an authenticated user and how are authenticated users/website/month calculated?

Authenticated users are users who obtain secure access to a website by logging in through an authentication provider.

Authenticated user/website/month are calculated as unique users who log into the website in a calendar month duration. Even if a user logs in multiple times to a website in a calendar month, then that user is counted as one user. Uniqueness is determined by using the ID of the contact record (Microsoft Dataverse contact table) to which the user is mapped.

What are the scenarios in which a user isn't counted as anonymous user even though the user browses an anonymous page on the website?

There are several scenarios in which a user who has anonymously browsed the website won’t be counted in the meter, some of these are described below:

  1. Any access of a website running in trial mode won’t be counted.
  2. Any access of a website running in private mode won’t be counted.
  3. If the user accesses specific pages on the website, then they aren’t counted as anonymous users, these are:
    1. Pages related to log in like signin, register, invitation, and externalauthenticationcallback. This is done to ensure if the user is trying to authenticate to the website, they aren’t counted as an anonymous user.
    2. System pages like the ones starting with /_ such as /_services and /_resource.
    3. If a page returns a redirect response (http 3xx status).
    4. If a page returns an error response (http 5xx status).
    5. If a page returns 404, or any http 4xx response.
  4. Bots and crawler accessing anonymous pages of the website isn’t counted.
  5. If there’s a monitoring system setup to test website availability periodically, it will be removed if it sends a non browser user agent. In case your monitoring system sends a user agent that is of any standard browser, it might be counted. If using a monitoring system to test website availability, we recommend targeting /_services/about page of your website to ensure that it isn’t counted in anonymous user access.
  6. If a user is accessing only static resources (CSS, JavaScript, and images) won’t be counted.
  7. If a user is browsing anonymously and later logs in to the website within same day (UTC timezone), then that user will only be counted as authenticated user and won’t be counted as anonymous user.

Access to my website is authenticated, however it has an anonymous log in page. Do I need to purchase anonymous user subscription?

No, log in page access isn’t counted for calculating anonymous users. So if the only anonymous page is sign in page, then it will not require anonymous user subscription to be purchased.

However, it’s important to ensure that rest of the site is made authenticated. This can be done by using Page level permissions on home page and only making it available for authenticated user roles. If any other method is used like using a client side (JavaScript) redirect to log in page, then it might lead to some pages being available anonymously.

How many users are included in each pack for Power Pages licenses?

  1. Subscription based
    1. Power Pages authenticated user/website subscription – Each pack consists of 100 users. This is same for all tiers.
    2. Power Pages anonymous user/website subscription – Each pack consists of 500 users. This is same for all tiers.
  2. Pay-as-you-go based
    1. Power Pages authenticated user pay-as-you-go meter – Pay-as-you-go meters aren’t sold in packs rather are counted as individual users.
    2. Power Pages anonymous user pay-as-you-go meter – Pay-as-you-go meters aren’t sold in packs rather are counted as individual users.

What are the main differences between Power Pages and Power Apps portals licensing?

Differences between Power Pages & Power Apps Portal License Pricing

What is the difference between Power Apps portals login capacity and Power Pages authenticated per user/month capacity?

Power Pages Authenticated per user/month capacity count the number of unique users in a month that have accessed the website in an authenticated manner whereas Power Apps login capacity counts the number of total logins all users had on the website over a 24-hour period.  

For subscription based licenses, what is the minimum number of authenticated and anonymous user capacity I need to assign to an environment?

  1. Authenticated Users -> Minimum quantity that needs to be assigned to an environment is 25.For example, if you have three websites (in three different environments) and bought one authenticated user pack (100 users), you can assign them in the following ways:
    • Environment 1: 25 (min 25)
    • Environment 2: 35 (min 25)
    • Environment 3: 40 (min 25)
  2. Anonymous Users-> Minimum 200 per environment. After that you can assign 1 at a minimum.For example, if you have two websites (in two different environments) and licensed one anonymous user pack (500 users), you can assign them in the following ways:
    • Environment 1: 220 (min 200)
    • Environment 2: 280 (min 200)

Can I still purchase Power Apps portals login and page view subscriptions?

  1. Power Apps portals login and page view subscriptions will be available for purchase during transition period.
    1. Existing customers who have Power Apps portals login and page view subscriptions
      • Power Apps portals customers whose agreements expire before March 31, 2023 will have the option to renew their agreements using the existing Power Apps portals SKUs for one more agreement term.
      • During this transition period, existing customers will also be able to purchase more capacity for existing SKUs to create new websites or augment capacity for existing websites.  
      • Power Apps portals customers whose agreements expire after March 31, 2023, will need to transition to the new Power Pages licensing upon expiration of their Power Apps portals subscription term.
    2. New customers
      • Power Apps portals per login and per page view SKUs will be available for new customers to purchase until March 31, 2023.
      • After March 31, 2023, new customers will purchase the new Power Pages SKUs.

Do unused Power Pages subscription licenses (authenticated per user and anonymous per user) carry forward to the next month?

Power Pages are licensed at a monthly rate that is based on a customer’s anticipated user volume. They aren’t accumulated as individual assets and wouldn’t carry forward month to month.


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Burhani is proud to be recognized as amongst

the Top 1% of Microsoft Partners Worldwide

As a Microsoft Gold Partner with 20+ Years Experience, Burhani's Unique Mix of People, Process & Technology Enables Businesses Accelerate Digital Transformation by Leveraging the Power of Microsoft Dynamics
20+ year Microsoft Partner
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Local Presence in the UAE
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What is a Microsoft Gold Partner?

Microsoft Gold Partner is an elite Microsoft status for highly certified IT companies in the UAE like Burhani providing the full range of Microsoft-related products and services.

The role of the Microsoft Gold Partner is to provide the highest standards of product and solution expertise and guidance during the discovery phase, implementation and subsequent support of Microsoft ERP and CRM systems for end user organizations across the UAE.

What is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Partner?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Partners in the UAE help organizations like yours with everything around your transition from an old ERP, CRM or Customer Service system (SAP, Oracle etc.) to a modern Microsoft Dynamics 365 solution. 

A Dynamics 365 Partner in Dubai specializes in all aspects of your Microsoft solution lifecycle which include assisting your team with evaluating and selecting the right solution, correct licensing, migrating, implementing, servicing and supporting your business once live on Dynamics 365.

Why Select a Microsoft Gold Partner for Dynamics Implementations?

The value of Microsoft Gold Partners in the UAE, like ourselves at Burhani, lies in the guarantee of professional expert support and it is the highest level a Microsoft Partner can reach.

A Microsoft Dynamics partner in Dubai, UAE such as Burhani is part of an industry-leading Microsoft partner ecosystem that offers expert guidance and support in buying, implementing, and optimizing your Dynamics 365 applications.

With Microsoft’s continued annual reviews you can be assured that your business transformation is in safe hands with Burhani, as we continue to develop the expertise of our staff and provide total satisfaction for our clients.

As a Microsoft Gold Partner, we have been recognised as having the capabilities to:

  • Provide Microsoft based IT services and products
  • Provide continuous customer support and be first in line for updates and news
  • Provide smarter training tools and programs
  • Provide consultative expertise with best in class Microsoft implementation and deployment
  • Have been recognised as a leader within the partner community

Among the top 1% of Microsoft Partners worldwide, Gold Partners such as Burhani are recognized for offering innovative business solutions…thinking outside of the box to help customers get the most value possible from their Microsoft investment.

How a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Partner Helps?

Implementing a business ERP/CRM application is not an easy process. A local, reliable & responsive Microsoft Dynamics Partner in Dubai, UAE can help your business develop & execute a Dynamics implementation strategy by :

  • Evaluating New Solutions : Get help identifying the Dynamics 365 applications that best fit your needs now and as your business needs change going forward.
  • Tailor Existing Solutions : Customize or enhance business processes with partner apps that add industry-specific functionality to the out-of-the-box capabilities of Dynamics 365.
  • Staying on Track : Receive ongoing support, consultation, and optimization recommendations from trusted advisors who are with you every step of the way.
Why Select Burhani as your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Partner in Dubai & Abu Dhabi, UAE

Migrate & Modernize your ERP

with Dynamics 365 + Burhani

Burhani offers expertise and guidance on migrating and modernizing your ERP applications with an agile and AI-powered ERP through Microsoft Dynamics 365. By taking the first step to implementing a leading cloud-based ERP with a solution leader, companies can develop a comprehensive plan for activating AI insights as they modernize how they do business.

Check out our e-book, The Next Generation of ERP: A Future of Possibilities with AI, to discover:

  • The possibilities an AI-powered ERP unlocks for businesses
  • What an ERP migration expert and trusted Microsoft partner, like Burhani, offers to support a seamless transition
  • How Dynamics 365 modernizes finance and supply chain processes to improve efficiencies, mitigate risks, and reduce overhead
  • The steps companies must take to activate the powers of AI with Burhani and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot

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